Wissenschaftliches Team
Bei Scientific Brain Training PRO werden die Forschungsarbeiten von einem erfahrenen Team in den Bereichen der Neurologie, Neuropsychologie, kognitiven Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaften und der direkten Patientenpflege bei Personen mit altersbedingtem Gehirnverfall und neurodegenerativen Funktionsstörungen geleitet.
Bernard Croisile, M.D., Ph.D., Wissenschaftlicher Leiter
- Rovelet-Lecrux A, Legallic S, Wallon D, Flaman JM, Martinaud O, Bombois S, Rollin-Sillaire A, Michon A, Le Ber I, Pariente J, Puel M, Paquet C, Croisile B, Thomas-Antérion C, Vercelletto M, Lévy R, Frébourg T, Hannequin D, Campion D; Investigators of the GMAJ project. A genome-wide study reveals rare CNVs exclusive to extreme phenotypes of Alzheimer disease. Eur J Hum Genet. 2012 Jun; 20(6): 613-7.
- Croisile B, Auriacombe S, Etcharry-Bouyx F, Vercelletto M. Les nouvelles recommandations 2011 du National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer's Association sur le diagnostic de la maladie d'Alzheimer : stades précliniques, mild cognitive impairment, et démence. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2012 Jun; 168(6-7): 471-82.
- Croisile B. Quels sont les tests utiles en première intention pour le médecin de consultation mémoire ? La Revue de Gériatrie 2011 ; 36(9): 655-665.
- Croisile B. Beaumont C, Hadjedj T, Riccio J, Astier J-L. La BAtterie Neuropsychologique COurte (BANCO) : étalonnage chez 347 sujets normaux de 50 à 92 ans. La Revue de Gériatrie 2011 ; 36(9): 645-654.
- Gabelle A, Roche S, Gény C, Bennys K, Labauge P, Tholance Y, Quadrio I, Tiers L, Gor B, Boulanghien J, Chaulet C, Vighetto A, Croisile B, Krolak-Salmon P, Perret-Liaudet A, Touchon J, Lehmann S. Decreased sAßPPß, Aß38, and Aß40 Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels in Frontotemporal Dementia. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 Jan 1; 26(3): 553-63.
- J. Seguin, M. Formaglio, A. Perret-Liaudet, I. Quadrio, Y. Tholance, O. Rouaud, C. Thomas-Anterion, B. Croisile, H. Mollion, O. Moreaud, M. Salzmann, A. Dorey, M. Bataillard, M-H. Coste, A. Vighetto, P. Krolak-Salmon. Cerebrospinal Fluid biomarkers in posterior cortical atrophy. Neurology 2011 May 24; 76(21): 1782-8.
- P. Vianin, P. Deppen, B. Croisile, F. Tarpin-Bernard, P. Sarrasin-Bruchez, R. Dukes and M. Grillon. Exploratory Investigation of a Customized, Cognitive Remediation Program for Individuals Living with Schizophrenia. The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation Fall 2010 (vol 28) : 11-21.
- Croisile B, Astier JL, Beaumont C, Mollion H. Validation de la Batterie Rapide de Dénomination (BARD) chez 382 témoins et 1004 patients d'une consultation mémoire. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2010 ; 166(6-7) : 584-593.
- Croisile B, Sindou M. Comments of the paper : What makes Maurice Ravel's Deadly craniotomy interesting ? Concerns of one of the most famous craniotomies in history. Kanat A, Kayaci S, Yazar U, Yilmaz A. Acta Neurochir, 2010 Apr; 152(4): 737-742.
- Croisile B. Approche neurocognitive de la mémoire. Gérontologie et Société : Mémoires ; 2009 septembre ; 130 : 11-29.
- Croisile B, Simon E, Astier JL, Beaumont C, Mollion H. Le Test des 5 mots chez 85 patients ayant un Trouble Anxieux Généralisé. La Presse Médicale, 2009 ; 38 : 1568-1576.
- Croisile B. Milliery M, Collomb K, Colombe C, Mollion H. Le Test des 5 dessins : un test de mémoire visuo-spatiale à utiliser dans la maladie d'Alzheimer. Revue de Gériatrie, 2009, juin, 34, n°6 : 495-503.
- Vianin P., Deppen, P., Amado I., Franck N., Croisile B., Tarpin-Bernard, F., An Individualized Cognitive Remediation Program for schizophrenia, Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry, New-York, 5th june 2009.
- Croisile B, Miner D, Bélier S, Noir M, Tarpin-Bernard F. (21-25 October 2008).
Online Cognitive Training Improves Cognitive Performance. National Academy of Neuropsychology. New York City.
- Croisile, B. (2007m). Alzheimer's disease and related diseases. Paris: Editions Larousse.
- Croisile, B. (2007l). Memory in Richard Wagner's Tetralogy. In Memoirs of the Lyon Science, Fine Arts and Arts Academy (pp. 91-97). Editions de l'Académie Lyon.
- Croisile, B. (2007k). Amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment: An appointment at a memory clinic. Diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of 90 patients. In Mild Cognitive Impairment. From normal brain aging to dementia (163-175). SOLAL, Collection Neuropsychologie, Marseille.
- Croisile, B. (2007j). Oral and written language disorders at early stage Alzheimer's disease. Revue Neurologique, 163, 4S30.
- Croisile, B. (2007i). Annotated Bibliographic News: Evaluating uncharacteristic demen-tia syndromes in PET with the PIB marker. Neurologies, suppl. XIV, 10, 7-8.
- Croisile, B. (2007h). Annotated Bibliographic News: Early Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: optimizing coding specificities. Neurologies, suppl. XIV, 10, 5-6.
- Croisile, B. (2007g). Cognitive examination in urban practice. La Revue du Praticien - Médecine Générale, 21(780/781), 932-935.
- Croisile, B. (2007f). Memory complaints and memory disorders? Terminological thoughts. Mémoires-Actualités, 1, 1-3.
- Croisile, B. (2007e). Appliance of the SNAB (Short NAming Battery) on 639 patients from a memory clinic. Revue de Gériatrie, 32, 343-354.
- Croisile, B. (2007d). Annotated Bibliographic News: Dementias: 'Still PIB, always PIB!'
Neurologies, suppl. VIII, 1, 9-10.
- Croisile, B. (2007c). Annotated Bibliographic News: Dementias: 'For a few Teslas more! Direct visualization of amyloid plaques now conceivable via 7 Tesla MRI in Alzheimer's disease patients?' Neurologies, suppl. VIII, 1, 9.
- Croisile, B. (2007b). Annotated Bibliographic News: Dementias: 'Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): Evolution of 4 clinical subtypes.' Neurologies, suppl. VII, 1, 9.
- Croisile, B. (2007a). Annotated Bibliographic News: Dementias: 'Cerebral reserve & dementia. Cerebral reserve and cognitive decline.' Neurologies, suppl. VII, 1, 9.
- Truchot, L., Costes, S.N., Zimmer, L., Laurent, B., Le Bars, D, Thomas-Antérion, C., Croisile, et al., (2007). Up-regulation of hippocampal serotonin metabolism in mild cognitive impairment. Neurology, 69(10), 1012-1017.
- Croisile, B., & Bonnefoy, M. (2007). Research and resources memory center of the Lyon Civil Hospices. DIRE, 92, 2.
- Croisile, B., Astier, J.-L., & Beaumont, C. (2007). Calibrating the five-word-test on healthy controls. Revue Neurologique, 163(3), 323-333.
- Croisile, B., Mollion, H., & Goni, S. (2007). Memantine effects in patients with mild to severe Alzheimer's disease with behavioral disorders. Summary of the French Speaking Days of Neurology, 2S42.
- Noir, M., & Croisile, B. (2007). Get Your Brain in the Fast Lane: Turbocharge Your Memory with More Than 100 Brain Building Exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Croisile, B., Astier, J.-L., & Beaumont, C. (2007). Administration of the SNAB (Short NAming Battery) to 349 patients from a memory clinic. Revue Neurologique, 163, 4S90-4S91.
- Croisile, B., Astier, J.-L., Beaumont, C., & Mollion, H. (2007). The five-word-test in patients over 80 with Alzheimer's disease: Relevance of Total Weighted Score compared to Total Score. Revue Neurologique, 163, 4S91.
- Truchot, L., Costes, N., Vighetto, A., Laurent, B., Lebars, D., Thomas-Antérion, C., Croisile, B., et al., (2007). Discrimination of Mild Cognitive Impairment from Mild Alzheimer's Disease by human in vivo serotonin metabolism exploration. Neurology, suppl. 1, 68(12), A61.
- Croisile, B., Auriacombe, S., Pariente, J., & Polydor, J.-P. (2007). Vas-Cog 2007 – San Antonio (Texas) July 11-14, 2007. La Revue de Gériatrie, 32(9)
- Croisile, B., Bélier, S., Allain, G., Noir, M., & Tarpin-Bernard, F. (2007). Improved cognitive performances for 85 assiduous subscribers to a cognitive training website. Revue Neurologique, 163, 4S131.
- Croisile, B. (2006g). Starting dementias. Some thoughts. Psynergie, special issue "The beginnings", 13-18.
- Croisile, B. (2006f). Memory stimulation. Which rational? Which exercises? Revue de Gériatrie, 31(6), 421-433.
- Croisile, B. (2006e). Which patients should be offered memory rehabilitation? Neuronale, 26, 6-8.
- Croisile, B. (2006d). XIXth day of the Alzheimer's disease research group in Marseille: Mild Cognitive Impairment. Revue de Gériatrie, 31(5), 353-355.
- Croisile, B. (2006c). Annotated Bibliographic News: Dementias: 'The risk of dementia and cerebral vascular accidents throughout life.' Neurologies, Suppl. X, 9, 9-10.
- Croisile, B. (2006b). Annotated Bibliographic News: Dementias: 'Subcortical dementias: History and personal thoughts.' Neurologies, Suppl. VIII, 9, 9.
- Croisile, B. (2006a). Ten keys to memory. La Recherche, Les Dossiers, special issue: "Memory", 22, 8-13.
- Desestret, V., Kaufman, M., Perret-Liaudet, A., Vighetto, A., Mercier, B., Croisile, B., et al. (2006). Correlation between 'hippocampic' memory and CRL tau protein in Alzheimer's disease. La Revue de Médecine Interne, 27 (Suppl. 3), S374-S375.
- Croisile, B. (2005l). Communication, written language, and dementia. In Communication & dementias (pp. 83-103). SOLAL, Collection Neuropsychologie, Marseille.
- Croisile, B. (2005k). A Short Naming Battery (SNAB) in memory clinics. La Revue Francophone de Gériatrie et Gérontologie, XII(120)
- Croisile, B. (2005j). Annotated Bibliographic News: Dementias: 'Natural history of primary progressive aphasia.' Neurologies, Suppl. VII, 8, 5.
- Croisile, B. (2005i). 30th anniversary of the MMSE! Neurologies, 8, 537-540.
- Croisile, B. (2005h). Beyond ears: Memory and language. Journal of the French Society of Audiology, 2, 3-4.
- Croisile, B. (2005g). Writing, aging, and Alzheimer's. Psychologie & Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 3(3), 183-197.
- Croisile, B. (2005f). Memory: Know it well, use it well. Demain: Revue d'Information de la Mutuelle des Agents des Impôts, 73, 22-24.
- Croisile, B. (2005e). Memory in the face of tests. Itinéraires Santé, 23, 4-5.
- Croisile, B. (2005d). Dementias: Assessing behavior, independence, cognition & memory. Report: Evaluation in neurology. Useful scales & tests. Neurologies, 8, 129-132.
- Croisile, B. (2005c). The role of a Neuropsychological Laboratory. Journal Interne du Groupement Hospitalier Est, 6, 2.
- Croisile, B. (2005b). The secrets of memory. La Revue de la MTRL, 45, 4-8.
- Croisile, B. (2005a). Memory. Retraite, (APICIL-MICIL group), 11, 12-13.
- Etcharry-Bouyx, F., & Croisile, B. (2005). Dementias and syndromes. La Lettre du Neurologue, Oct. special issue, 22-24.
- Bediou, B., Ryff, I., Vighetto, A., Milliery, M., Krolak-Salmon, P., & Croisile, B. (2005). Seeing MCI turn into dementia thanks to recognition of certain facial features.
Revue Neurologique, 12(2), 4S113.
- Croisile, B., Astier, J-L, et al (2005) Comparing results of the five-word-test of 18 anxiety, 18 control & 18 mild AD patients. Revue Neurologique, 12(2), 4S139.
- Truchot, L., Vighetto, A., Costes, N., Lothe, A., Zimmer, L., Laurent, B., Croisile, B., & Krolak-Salmon, P. (2005). Diagnostic effectiveness of 18F-MPPF in PET in Alzheimer's disease. Revue Neurologique, 12(2), 4S96.
- Milliery, M., Guerin, J., & Croisile, B. (2005). Study of a support group for families with neurodegenerative dementia patients: practice for 7 years and survey results.
Revue Neurologique, 12(2), 4S139.
- Noir, M., & Croisile, B. (2005). Dental Floss For The Memory: A Complete Program for Boosting Your Brain Power. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Croisile, B. (2004j). Your appointment with a neurologist. In Health as a goal: The keys to talking to doctors and helping you to take action (pp. 167-197). Editions Bayard-Notre Temps, Paris.
- Croisile, B. (2004i). Artistic production and brain aging: Memory in Richard Wagner's Neuropsychologie works. In Neurodégénérescence et Vieillissement cérébral (185-196). SOLAL, Collection, Marseille.
- Croisile, B. (2004h). Memory clinic: Adapted dementia treatment. Neurologies, 65, 456-459.
- Croisile, B. (2004g). Dementias throughout the world. One disease, 5 cultures: solutions before disaster! La Lettre du Neurologue, 9, 18.
- Croisile, B. (2004f). Mild Cognitive Impairment: 134 communications. La Lettre du Neurologue, 9, 7-9.
- Croisile, B. (2004e). Memory clinics: Adapted dementia treatment. Repères en Gériatrie, 44, 6-9.
- Croisile, B. (2004d). Neuropsychological thoughts: A trend, the dream of quick and effective! La Lettre du Neurologue, October spec. issue "Recent data on dementias", 14-15.
- Croisile, B. (2004c). How are attention disorders and mnesic complaints linked? La Lettre du Neurologue, September spec. issue "Attention disorders and amnesic complaints", 3-6.
- Croisile, B. (2004b). Knowledge gaps are nothing unusual! http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/psychologie/bien_memoriser/ps-8074-trous-de-memoire-normal-itw.htm.
- Croisile, B., & Rothoft, J.-M. (2004b). Presentation and management of memory complaints in 726 general physicians: results of a questionnaire. Journal of Neurology, 251 (suppl. 3), 101.
- Croisile, B., & Rothoft, J.-M. (2004a). Memory complaints in general practitioners: Presentation and management. La Revue de Gériatrie, 29(3), 179-188.
- Croisile, B. (2004a). Alzheimer's disease: Easier detection, better treatment. TONIC – Le Journal des Hospices Civils de Lyon, 108, 10.
- Croisile, B. (2003j). Maintaining a brain stimulating activity. In Larousse de la Santé au Féminin (pp. 265-267). Editions Larousse, Paris.
- Croisile, B. (2003i). The female brain. Larousse de la Santé au Féminin (pp. 106-107). Editions Larousse, Paris.
- Croisile, B. (2003h). Cerebral reserve, cognitive reserve: practical perspectives of a new concept. Actualités Innovations Médecine, 91, 40-44.
- Croisile, B. (2003g). Cognitive aging: Cerebral reserve and cognitive reserve. Neuronale: Revue de Neurologie Comportementale, 1(12), 6-9.
- Croisile, B. (2003f). Study of the five-word-test on 43 MCI subjects & 109 Alzheimer's disease patients. Revue Neurologique, 159(10), 5S69.
- Croisile, B. (2003e). Editorial: "Don't forget about neuropsychology!" Neuronale: Revue de Neurologie Comportementale, 1(12), 3.
- Croisile, B. (2003d). Neuropsychology: Multidisciplinary thoughts. Neurologies, 6(50), 193-194.
- Croisile, B. (2003c). Cognitive aging: The future golden age of neurons? La Revue de Gériatrie, 28(5), 395-402.
- Croisile, B. (2003b). After diagnosing, treating. Réminiscences - Maladie d'Alzheimer, 4.
- Robert, P., Schuck, S., Dubois, B., et al. (2003b). Validating the short cognitive battery: Relevance for early detection of Alzheimer's disease and of depression in psychiatric practice. L'Encéphale, XXIX, 266-272.
- Croisile, B. (2003a). Mild Cognitive Impairment: Diagnosis and actions to be taken in clinical practice. A study of 29 cases. La Revue de Gériatrie, 28(1), 17-28.
- Robert, P., Schuck, S., Dubois, B., et al. (2003a). Screening for Alzheimer's Disease with the Short Cognitive Evaluation Battery. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 15, 92-98.
- Croisile, B., Astier, J.-L., & Beaumont, C. (2003). Predictive factors of MCI turning into Alzheimer's disease within 2 years. Revue Neurologique, 159, 2S144.
- Croisile, B., Astier, J-L., & Beaumont, C. (2003). Calibrating & validating a short naming battery in clinical practice. Revue Neurologique, 159(10), 5S109-5S110.
- Croisile, B. (2002g). The fascinating networks of memory. In Les Guides Notre Temps. Strengthen your memory (pp. 25-53). Editions Bayard-Notre Temps, Paris.
- Croisile, B. (2002f). Primary progressive aphasia. In Dementias (pp 229-234). Doin Editeurs, Paris.
- Croisile, B. (2002e). Dementia, Alzheimer's, what's new? La Lettre du Neurologue, July special issue, 20-21.
- Croisile, B. (2002d). How can memory be trained? Relevance of a CD-Rom and board game. Soins Gérontologie, 7(36), 38-39.
- Croisile, B. (2002c). Working methods. How to stimulate memory. Phosphore, 252, 92-93.
- Croisile, B. (2002b). Mild Cognitive Impairment: a waiting room for Alzheimer's disease? La Revue de Gériatrie, 27(3), 189-194.
- Croisile, B. (2002a). Anatomy & functional organization of memory. Neuronale, 4, 14-17.
- Croisile, B., Tarpin-Bernard, F. & Noir, M. (2002). Experiment of a cognitive training website for seniors. Revue Neurologique, 158, 2S126.
- Croisile, B. & Weisz, S. (2002). How to improve your memory. Management, 86, 67-74.
- Croisile, B. (2001c). Current treatments for Alzheimer's Disease. Abstract Neuro, 13, 18-21.
- Croisile, B. (2001b). Test your memory abilities on the Internet. Horizons, 9, 5.
- Croisile, B. (2001a). Cognitive functions and aging. Retraite, 2, 6-9.
- Croisile, B., Astier, J.-L., & Girard, C. (2001). Using the five-word-test in 21 MCI and 49 control subjects. Revue Neurologique, 157, 4S60-4S61.
- Croisile, B., & Noir, M. (2001). Neurons for our future. Le Spectacle du Monde, 10(472), 84-87.
- Croisile, B., & Godefroy, O. (2001). Vascular dementias. La Lettre du Neurologue. 29-32.
- Croisile, B. (2000b). Memory: Understanding how it works and its disorders (2nd part).
La Revue de la MTRL, 25, 8-9.
- Croisile, B. (2000a). Memory: Understanding how it works and its disorders (1st part).
La Revue de la MTRL.
- Thomas-Antérion, C., Croisile, B., & Moreaud, O. (2000). Alzheimer's disease: Evolution of our understanding. La Lettre du Neurologue, 4-8.
- Croisile, B. (1998). Memory disorders. TONIC: Le Journal des Hospices Civils de Lyon, 86, 9-11.
- Hibert, O., Laurent, B., Croisile, B., et al. (1994). Memory testing video simulation.
Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique, 37, 265-274.
- Trillet, M., & Laurent, B. (1988). Memory and amnesias. Paris: Editions Masson.
- * N.B.: Dr. Croisile's hat seit 1984 mehr als 200 Artikel, Bücher, Buchkapitel mit Peer-Review veröffentlicht, sowie an mehreren Buchveröffentlichungen mitgearbeitet. Seine gesamte Bibliographie besteht hauptsächlich aus Texten zu neurologischen Krankheitsbildern, neuropsychologischen Fehlstörungen und gesundem Altern. Zu den Hauptthemen gehören das Gedächtnis und Gedächtnisstörungen, kognitive Leistungsbewertung und kognitives TRaining, Demenz und Alzheimer-Krankheit, Leichte Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen und bildgebende Verfahren. Die obige abgekürzte Bibliographie stellt nur den Anteil seiner Arbeit dar, der für HAPPYneuron SAS und am relevantesten ist.
Bernard CroisileBernard Croisile ist ein angesehener Neurologe und Neuropsychologe, der weltweit für seine Forschungsarbeiten in den Bereichen des Alterns und der Kognition anerkannt ist. 1998 erhielt er ebenfalls die Parke-Davis-Auszeichnung im Bereich der Alzheimerkrankheit und hat hunderte von Artikeln zu den Themen Altern und Kognition für wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften, Veröffentlichungen und Buchkapitel verfasst. Weiterhin hat er als Referent an hunderten von Fachkonferenzen zum Thema Prävention von Demenzerkrankungen und altersbedingter kognitiver Verfall teilgenommen. Seit 1992 leitet Bernard Croisile die Abteilung für Neuropsychologie des Neurologischen Krankenhaus in Lyon, Frankreich. Seinen M.D. und Diplom in Neurologie erhielt er am Lyoner Universitätsklinikum und seine Spezialisierung im Bereich der Neurowissenschaften und Doktortitel hat er an der Lyoner Universität Claude Bernard erhalten.
Sandrine Bélier, Ph.D., Kognitive Psychologie
- Croisile, B., Bélier, S., Allain, G., Noir, M., & Tarpin-Bernard, F. (2007). Improved cognitive performances for 85 assiduous subscribers to a cognitive training website. Revue Neurologique, 163, 4S131.
- Bélier, S. (2000). Amorçage perceptif verbal: Rôle de la congruence syllabique (Verbal perceptive priming: Effect of syllabic congruency) . Revue Incognito, 19, 63-64.
- Bélier, S. (December, 1999). Amorçage perceptif verbal : Rôle de la structure syllabique (Verbal Perceptive Priming: Effect of syllabic structure). Doctoral Dissertation. Lyon 2 University.
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (unpublished). Evidence for orthographic syllables from word-stem completion priming.
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (unpublished). Evidence for syllabic representations in the left hemisphere.
- Bélier, S., Bonatti, L., & Mehler, J. (unpublished). Statistics in word segmentation: Contribution of an implicit paradigm.
- Mass market books ("Grand guide Marabout de la mémoire" (Great Marabout guide of Memory), "90 exercices de concentration" (90 concentration exercises), "Neurones en forme" (Neurons in shape), "Stimulez vos neurones" (Stimulate your neurons)).
- Scientific papers for journals and French mass market websites: Phosphore, Le Point, Capital, Management, Journal du Management.
- Scientific studies: "Bénéfices cognitifs liés à la pratique des jeux vidéo" (Cognitive benefits resulting from playing video games); "Quotient Cognitif Attentionnel chez des élèves de classe de CM1, CM2, 6ème et 5ème" (Attentional cognitive quotient of years 3 to 6 students").
- Bélier, S., Bonatti, L., & Mehler, J. (December, 2000). Statistics in word segmentation. Oral talk at the WANG seminars of the SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies). Trieste: Italy.
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (July, 2000). Role of the syllabic structure in implicit memory tasks. Oral presentation at the XXVIIth International Psychology Symposium. Stockholm: Sweden.
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (November, 1999). Représentations syllabiques orthographiques dans le lexique mental. Communication orale présentée lors de la réunion Rhône-Alpine intitulée Processus Langagiers: Contribution des Sciences Cognitives (Institut des Sciences Cognitives). Lyon: France. (Orthographic syllabic representations in the mental lexicon. Oral presentation during the Rhône-Alpes meeting entitled Language processes: Contribution of Cognitive Sciences (Cognitive Sciences Institute). Lyon: France.)
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (September, 1999). Syllabic units in the cerebral hemispheres: Evidence from a lateralized priming experiment. Communication affichée lors du XIème Congrès de la Société Européenne de Psychologie Cognitive (ESCOP 1999). Gent: Belgique. (Poster session presented at the XIth conference of the European society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 1999). Gent: Belgium.)
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (March, 1999). Sensibilité hémisphérique gauche à la structure syllabique des mots : Contribution des tâches d’amorçage de complètement de bi- et de trigrammes en présentations centrale et latéralisée. Communication orale présentée aux IIémes Journées d’Etudes Linguistiques “Syllabes”. Nantes : France. (Left hemisphere sensitivity to the syllabic structure of words: Contribution of priming tasks on completing bi- and tri-gram in central and lateralized presentations. Oral presentation at the II. Linguistic Study Symposium "Syllables". Nantes: France.)
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (December, 1998). Complètement de trigrammes et asymétrie hémisphérique fonctionnelle : Rôle de la congruence syllabique. Communication affichée lors du VIIéme colloque de l’Association pour la Recherche Cognitive (ARC’98). Paris : France. (Completing trigraphs and functional hemispheric asymmetry: The role of syllabic congruency. Poster session at the VIIth conference of the Cognitive Research Association (ARC'98). Paris: France)
- Bélier, S., & Koenig, O. (December, 1997). Effects of syllabic congruency and length of the stem in a word-stem completion priming task. Communication orale présentée aux Journées Internationales d’Orsay sur les Sciences Cognitives (JIOSC 97). Paris Orsay : France. (Oral presentation at the International Symposium of Orsay on Cognitive Sciences (JIOSC 97). Paris Orsay: France)
- Bélier, S., Dirkx, E., & Koenig, O. (September, 1996). Varying stem length and syllabic congruency in word completion tasks. Communication affichée lors du IXéme Congrès de la Société Européenne de Psychologie Cognitive (ESCOP 1996). Würtzburg: Allemagne. (Poster session at the IXth Congress of European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP 1996). Würtzburg: Germany))
- Bélier, S., Dirkx, E., & Koenig, O. (July, 1996). Role of syllabic congruency and length of the stem in a word completion priming task. Communication affichée lors de la Seconde Conférence Internationale sur la Mémoire (ICOM 1996). Padova: Italie. (Poster session at the Second International Conference on Memory (ICOM 1996). Padova: Italy.)
- Bélier, S. (October, 1995). Les sous-systèmes de mémoire. Communication affichée aux Journées Science en Fête. Lyon: France. (Memory sub-systems. Poster session at the Scientific Symposium "Science en fête". Lyon: France.)
- Bélier, S., & Michelon, P. (October, 1995). La mémoire humaine. Communication affichée aux Journées Science en Fête. Lyon: France. (The human memory. Poster session at the Scientific Symposium "Science en fête". Lyon: France.)
Sandrine BelierSandrine Bélier hat ihren Doktortitel in Kognitiver Psychologie an der Universität zu Lyon, Frankreich erhalten, wo sie Masterstudenten regelmäßig Angewandte Kognitionswissenschaft lehrt. Nach ihrem Doktortitel arbeitete sie auch als Forscherin für Kognitive Neurowissenschaft mit einer Spezialisierung in Psycholinguistik am Französischen Nationalen Forschungszentrum (CNRS) an der Hochschule für Sozialwissenschaften (EHESS) der Pierre & Marie Curie Universität in Paris und an der International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Triest, Italien.
Robert Bender, M.D., Facharzt für Geriatrie, Leitender Oberarzt, Johnny Orr Gedächtniszentrum und Institut für Gesundes Altern
- Bender, R. (2006). A Multifactorial Approach to Cognition in Patients with Dementia. The Aging Brain, 2nd Edition.
- “Wellness and Lifestyle Change in Seniors”. Sponsored project, Centers for Disease Control, 2007.
- “Brain Wellness”. A multi-factorial approach to patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Sponsored project, Centers for Disease Control, 2006.
- “Preventive Medicine and Wellness in the Nursing Home”. Sponsored project, Centers for Disease Control, 2004.
- “Hypothyroidism in the Elderly”. Presented at the American Academy of Family Physicians Scientific Assembly, Kansas City, Mo, 1983. First prize for research by a practicing family physician.
Robert Bender ist in den Bereichen Familienmedizin und Geriatrie spezialisiert und lebt und arbeitet in Des Moines in den U.S.A.. Von 1994 bis 1998 arbeitete er für das Mercy-Mayo Krankenhaus in Des Moines, wo er die äztliche Weiterbildungsabteilung für Familienmedizin entwickelte und leitete. Von 1998 bis 2006 war er als Leiter der Geriatrieabteilung, verantwortlich für die ärztliche Weiterbildung im Bereich der Inneren Medizin, tätig war. Er hat verschiedene Forschungsprojekte in den Bereichen der Gehirnalterung, der geistigen Gesundheit und der Alzheimerkrankheit geführt, die von der Amerikanischen Gesundheitsbehörde gefördert wurden. 2005 vertrat er die American Geriatrics Society bei der Tagung des Weißen Hauses zur Alterung. Zur Zeit leitet er das Johnny Orr Gedächtniszentrum in Des Moines.
Michel Noir, Ph.D. Erziehungswissenschaften
Michel Noir vertritt die Theorie laut welcher Gehirntraining auch einen pädagogischen Aspekts hat und trägt zur nötigen Kreativität bei, um Spaß in die Spiele zu bringen. Seinen Ph.D. in Erziehungswissenschaft und seinen Diplom in Kognitiver Psychologie nach beendetem Studium erhielt er an der Universität zu Lyon, Frankreich. Seinen Diplom und Masters in Jura erwarb er am renommierten Institut für Politwissenschaft in Paris (Science Po). Weiterhin hat er einen Masters in Politikwissenschaft. Michel Noir hat mehr als 15 Bücher zu diversen Themen geschrieben, von Pädagogik bis hin zu Gehirntraining und Spiele.
Gilles Reilhac, Ph.D. Cognitive Psychology
- Ferrier, L., Staudt, A., Reilhac, G., Jiménez, M. & Brouillet, D. (2007). L’influence de la taille typique des objets dans une tâche de catégorisation - Influence of typical object size in a categorization task. Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale, 61 (4), 316-321.
- Reilhac, G., & Jiménez, M. (2006). Activation de la couleur typique d'un objet lors d'une tâche de catégorisation - Activation of typical object color in a categorization task. Revue Canadienne de Psychologie Expérimentale, 60 (4), 285-293.
- Reilhac, G., & Staudt, A. (2007). Nature des représentations perceptives : connaissances stockées ou propriétés simulées ? - Nature of perceptive representations: stored knowledge or simulated properties? Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Cognitives, Lyon.
- Reilhac, G., Payet, J., & Blanc. (2007). Emotional valence of perfumes names influences the memory for advertisements. Seventeenth annual meeting of the society for text and discourse, Glasgow (Scotland).
- Reilhac, G., Delord, S., Picard, M., & Servan-Schreiber, P. (2006). Introduction of a new advertising sector in a magazine: Effect of novelty on implicit and explicit memory. Journée Scientifique "Mémoire et Vieillissement Cognitif" Hommage à F.I.M. Craik, Bordeaux.
- Blanc, N., Vidal, J., & Reilhac, G. (2006). Memory for advertising benefits from their comprehension difficulty. Journée Scientifique "Mémoire et Vieillissement Cognitif" Hommage à F.I.M. Craik, Bordeaux.
- Bordaberry, P., Reilhac, G., & Delord, S (2006). Traitement implicite et explicite des pages de publicité dans la Presse Magazine : Effet du contexte de lecture - Implicit and explicit processing of adervitesements in the press: impact of reading context. Journée Scientifique "Mémoire et Vieillissement Cognitif" Hommage à F.I.M. Craik, Bordeaux.
- Reilhac, G., & Jiménez, M. (2005). Comparison of category and color salience as top-down knowledge. ECP 2005, 9th European Congress of Psychology, Granada.
- Reilhac, G., & Jiménez, M. (2003). Is the direction of motion a structural property? ESCOP 2003, XIIIth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Granada, Spain.
- Reilhac, G., & Jiménez, M. (2003). Where is the color? ESCOP 2003, XIIIth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Granada, Spain.
Vier Jahre lang arbeitete Gilles Reilhac am Labor für Experimentelle Psychologie "Gedächtnis und Kognition" an der Universität von Montpellier 3. Seinen Ph.D. erhielt er mit seiner Doktorarbeit zum Thema Organisation und Aktivierung von Wahrnehmungswissen im Gedächtnis. Nach der Promotion arbeitete er an seiner Forschungsarbeit zum Thema Speicherung von Werbeanzeigen, insbesondere an der impliziten Speicherung von Werbeanzeigen an der Universität von Bordeaux 2 (2006) und an der Universität von Montpellier 3 University (2007) studierte er den Einfluss von Emotionen auf die Speicherung von Werbeanzeigen.
Franck Tarpin-Bernard, Ph.D., Technischer Leiter
- Vianin P., Deppen, P., Amado I., Franck N., Croisile B., Tarpin-Bernard, F., An Individualized Cognitive Remediation Program for schizophrenia, Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry, New-York, 5th june 2009.
- Tarpin-Bernard, F., Samaan, K. & David, B.T. (2007). A Method for building adaptable software that respect usability. In A., Seffah, J., Vanderdonckt, & M., Desmarais (Eds.). Computer Human Interaction and Software Engineering, 2. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Sghaier, A., Prévôt, P., & Tarpin-Bernard, F. (2007). Towards a Generic Environment for the Design of Serious Games. Proceedings of Learning with Games 2007.
- Tarpin-Bernard, F. & Habieb-Mammar, H. (2005). Modeling Elementary Cognitive Abilities for Adaptive Presentation of Hypermedia. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI). The Journal of Personalization Research, 15(5), 459-495.
- Habieb-Mammar, H., & Tarpin-Bernard, F. (2004). CUMAPH: Cognitive User Modeling for Adaptive Presentation of Hyper-documents. Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems (AH 2004) (LNCS3137).
- Habieb-Mammar, H., Tarpin-Bernard, F., & Prévôt, P. (2003). Adaptative presentation of multimedia interface, case study: “Brain Story” Course. Proceedings of UM 2003, the 9th International Conference on User Modelling (LNCS2702).
- Habieb-Mammar, H., & Tarpin-Bernard, F. (2002b). How to Incorporate Cognitive Styles into Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces. Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2002, World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications.
- Habieb-Mammar, H., & Tarpin-Bernard, F. (2002a). Cognitive Styles and Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces. Proceedings of CogSci’2002, the 24th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
- Tarpin-Bernard, F., Habieb-Mammar, H., Croisile, B., & Noir, M. (2001). A supervised Program for Cognitive e-Training. Proceedings of WebNet’2001, World Conference on Web technologies.
Franck Tarpin-Bernard setzt Bernard Croisiles und Michel Noirs Wissenschaft, Kreativität und Ideen in innovative, ansprechende und herausfordernde Gehirntrainingslösungen um, einschließlich Leistunsverfolgung und personalisiertes Coaching. Franck Tarpin-Bernard hat ebenfalls 11 Jahre lang als Dozent für Informatik (Bereich Mensch-Maschine Interaktion) am französischen Nationalen Institut für Angewandte Wissenschaft in Lyon unterrichtet (INSA) und zahlreiche von Experten anerkannte Artikel für Fachmagazine und Buchkapitel veröffentlicht. Derzeit ist er als Universit?tsprofessor an der Joseph Fournier Universität in Grenoble tätig. Er verließ die Ecole Centrale de Lyon als erster seines Jahrgangs und erhielt später seinen Doktor in technischer Informatik, ebenfalls an der Ecole Centrale de Lyon.
Pascal Vianin, Ph.D. Psychologist, Forscher und Psychotherapeut
- Chesnoy G., Duboc C., Amado I., Vianin P, Franck N. (2009) A randomized controlled study of cognitive remediation in schizophrenia (RECOS vs CRT). 9th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, WFSBP Abstract book, 288-289 (P-16-005).
- Vianin P., Deppen, P., Amado I., Franck N., Croisile B., Tarpin-Bernard, F., An Individualized Cognitive Remediation Program for schizophrenia, Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry, New-York, 5th june 2009.
- Favrod, J., Vianin, P., Pomini, V. (2008). Reconnaissance de la source et symptômes psychotiques: implications pour la clinique. Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive, Vol. 13 (1), 8-17.
- Vianin, P. (2007). Remédiation cognitive de la schizophrénie. Présentation du programme RECOS. Annales Médico-psychologiques, 165, 200-205.
- Cocchi, L., Schenk, F., Volken, H., Bovet, P., Parnas, J., Vianin, P. (2007). Visuo-spatial processing in a dynamic and a static working memory paradigm in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 152 (2-3), 129-42.
- Vianin, P., Jaugey, L. (2007). Pourquoi et comment évaluer les troubles cognitifs des patients schizophrènes? Revue Francophone de Clinique Comportementale et Cognitive, Vol. 12 (1), 14-24.
- Favrod, J., Vianin, P., Pomini, V., Mast, FW. (2006). A first step toward cognitive remediation of voices: a case study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, 35(3), 159-63.
- Posada, A., Zalla, T., Vianin, P., Georgieff N., Franck N. (2005). Event-related potentials during rule processing in schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 134, 55-66.
- Vianin, P. (2004). La remédiation cognitive: une nouvelle approche pour le traitement de la schizophrénie. Revue médicale de la Suisse romande, 124, 217-219.
- Vianin, P., Baumberger, B., Flückiger, M. (2004). Distance estimation in a dynamic simulated environment: a visual field dependence problem. Perception, 33, 561-568.
- Vianin, P., Marquet, P., Magistretti, P.J., Bovet, P. (2003). Pertinence d'un programme de remédiation cognitive pour patients schizophrènes : l'hypothèse de la plasticité cérébrale. Médecine et Hygiène, 61, 1737-42.
- Posada, A., Hugues, E., Franck, N., Vianin, P., Kilner, J. (2003). Augmentation of induced visual gamma activity by increased task complexity. European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (8), 2351- 2356.
- Posada, A., Vianin, P., Giard, M.H., Franck N. (2003). Stimulus and response ERP analyses of a two level reaction time task. Experimental Brain Research. 152: 79-86.
- Vianin, P., Posada, A., Hugues, E., Franck, N., Bovet, P., Parnas J., & Jeannerod, M. (2002). Reduced P300 amplitude in a visual recognition task in patients with schizophrenia. Neuroimage, 17(2), 911-921.
- Parnas, J., Vianin, P., Saebye, D., Jansson, L., Vollmer Larsen, A., Bovet, P. (2001). Visual binding abilities in the initial and advanced stages of schizophrenia, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 103: 171-180.
- Vianin, P., Favrod, J., Giuliani F. (In Press). Pourquoi et comment traiter les troubles cognitifs de la schizophrénie ? Le programme RECOS et ses développements. In : J.Cottraux, Neurosciences et Thérapies Cognitives et Comportementales. Editions Masson Elsevier.
- Vianin, P. (2007). Programme de remédiation cognitive pour patients présentant une schizophrénie ou un trouble associé. Manuel du thérapeute. Charleroi: Socrate Editions Promarex.
- Favrod, J., Pomini, V., & Vianin, P. (2005). STOPP: Suivi Thérapeutique Orienté sur la Psychose Persistante. Retz, Paris. [traduction et adaptation du manuel original de Hermann-Doig, Maude & Edwards, Systematic Treatement of Persistent Psychosis, Martin Dunitz, Taylor & Francis, London, 2003].
- Vianin, P. (1999). L'estimation de distances dans un espace virtuel dynamique. Thèse de doctorat. FPSE - Université de Genève.
Pascal Vianin ist Psychologe, Forscher und Psychotherapeut (Kognitive und Verhaltenstherapie) an der Psychiatrischen Abteilung des Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (DP-CHUV) in Lausanne in der Schweiz. 1999 erhielt er seinen Ph.D. er an der Universität von Genf. Seine Hauptforschungsbereich ist die visuelle Informationsverarbeitung in simulierten Umgebungen bei 6 bis 12-jährigen Kindern. Ebenfalls hat er sich aktiv an den Forschungsarbeiten zu Wahrnehmungs- und kognitiven Defiziten bei Schizophrenie in Lausanne und in Kopenhagen, Dänemark beteiligt.
Seit 2002 hat er ein originelles kognitives Remediationsprogramm für Schizophreniepatienten entwickelt. Dieses Programm beinhaltet gezielte Trainingsmodule zur Remediation von Defiziten, die anhand einer detaillierten neuropsychologischen Testbatterie gemessen werden. Pascal Vianin's Programm wird heute in Psychiatriezentren in Frankreich und in der Schweiz zunehmend mehr benutzt.